litbaza книги онлайнИсторическая прозаСтивен Хокинг. Непобедимый разум  - Китти Фергюсон






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Out of a Black Hole / Lecture at CalTech, Apr. 9, 2008.

Paper at the 17th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Dublin, July 2004.

Remarks by Stephen Hawking. White House Millennium Council 2000,

To Boldly Go / Lecture for undergraduates at CalTech, January 14, 2005.

Why We Should Go Into Space / Lecture at CalTech, 2009, video copyright, CalTech Digital Media Services [Information Management Systems and Services].


Black Holes and Their Children, Baby Universes

Is Everything Determined? (1990)

Is the End in Sight for Theoretical Physics?

My Experience with Motor Neurone Disease

A Short History

Личные интервью автору

Кембридж, декабрь 1989 г.; июнь, 1990 г.; ноябрь 2010 г.

Личные беседы: весна 1996 г., октябрь 2000 г.

Интервью на телевидении

ABC, 20/20, 1989

Interview by Larry King. Larry King Live Weekend, Cable News Network, 25 December, 1999.

Hawking bets CERN mega-machine won’t find “God’s Particle”. September 9, 2008,

Hawking Extols Joy of Discovery. BBC News, January 11, 2002.

Hawking Gets Personal. Time Magazine, September 27, 1993, p. 80.

Hawking Humor. Israel Today, January 28, 2007,

Hawking Misrepresents Pope John Paul II. Catalyst 31, no. 6 (2006)

Hawking Misrepresents Pope John Paul II. Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights website,

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